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Child Frontiers and the GSSWA
Child Frontiers is working with the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance in Uganda, India and Brazil​
Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups
Child Frontiers recently concluded an 18-month project on the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups.
New Guidance on Kinship Care
Emily Delap writes about kinship care that has been too long neglected in the care reform process.
Child Justice in Kurdistan
Josh Dankoff, writes about the a mapping and assessment of the child justice system in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Northern Thai Alternative Care-Leavers Study
Vimala Crispin, describes the rationale for a study with care leavers in northern Thailand
A peer-to-peer approach: Care-Leavers in Jordan and Kenya
Emily Delap explores how we have adopted a peer-to-peer approach to research with care leavers in Jordan and Kenya
Developing a Vision for Protecting Children in Thailand
Child Frontiers facilitated a child protection system visioning process with the Government of Thailand.
The ESARO Learning Platform for Care Reform
Exploring new ways to share learning on care reform during the Covid19 pandemic.
Child Frontiers and the Child Protection System in Timor-Leste
Child Frontiers has been working with the Government of Timor-Leste for more than a decade.
Covid-19 and the Social Service Workforce in Malaysia
Child Frontiers documents the experiences of Social Service Workers in Malaysia in the time of Covid.
Understanding the Bondo
Emma de Vise-Lewis writes about a fascinating research on an age-old initiation rite for teenage girls in Sierra Leone. ​
Child Frontiers and Royal Roads University
Child Frontiers is developing a graduate certificate program with Royal Roads University.
Key Findings on Young Marriage, Parenthood and Divorce in Zambia
Oliver Mweemba, Gillian Mann and Nikki van der Gaag write about their recently completed research in Zambia.
From instrumentalist to gender transformative approaches to child marriage
Dr. Joachim Theis writes about supporting interventions that aim to bring about far-reaching structural changes and challenge deep-rooted gender inequality.
National stakeholders come together to design a Child Protection Policy for Myanmar
Yin Yin Han, Thanda Kyaw and Vimala Crispin write about supporting the development of a national child protection policy in Myanmar​.
Baba Watoto comes to the Community in Kenya
Ken Ondoro and Pia Vraalsen write that establishing trust is the most important ingredient in the Kenyan child protection system.
Young Marriage and Parenthood Study (YMAPS)
Gillian Mann writes about the conclusion of a 2.5 year study on understanding child marriage and parenthood to inform policies and programming globally.
Protecting Children of Nomadic Groups in Botswana
Guy Thompstone writes about assessing capacity gaps in the social service workforce in Botswana to prevent and respond to violence against children.

Child protection in the words of the Child Frontiers team

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